Thursday, January 20, 2011

BLT's and Borsht

I thought that soup and salad sounded good this weekend so I decided to go outside of the traditional comfort zone and create a nice soup.
Traditional borsht has a lot more ingredients than I wanted in my soup, so I just decided to keep the flavors simple. I roasted red beets at 350 for a while and added some whole carrots and a part of an onion to the pan after about 15 minutes of roasting. After they were done roasting I blended them up individually. For the beets, I blended them with a little beef stock and a touch of cream to ensure they were smooth. I wanted the carrots to be a different texture so I didn't blend them as long but still added a touch of stock and cream to them. As you can see in the picture they are a rougher chop.

The colors were even brighter in person and the soup was warm and delicious. Because of the amount of roasting, the sugars came out in the beets and it didn't taste overwhelmingly earthy.

For the BLT, I just kept it traditional, except for replacing the lettuce with Arugula.

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