Monday, February 14, 2011

Steak, again?

The number of cast iron cooked NY Strips I have made in recent months has almost becoming obscene. It's probably just a sign of how often they go on sale at Whole Foods, that, and a combination with how often I'd like to eat steak. Either way, tonight was a night to celebrate and it happened to coincide with a sale at WF. The one thing I did do to spice it up was go with an unusual mushroom. The Forest Nameko was surprisingly delicious and tasted better than the crimini's that I use as my go-to.
I just sauteed the Nameko's in a small amount of butter with some diced yellow onion.

For a starter, I sliced a baguette and topped it with an Italian Gorgonzola then added toasted pistachios, peppadew and microgreens.
For veg, I sliced pickling cucumbers, grape tomatoes and onion and then tossed them in sherry vinegar, rice wine vinegar and mirin.

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