Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Salmon en Papillote

Aside from salt caving, cooking fish en papillote (parchment) is my favorite way prepare fish. I got some really fresh sockeye from the market and whipped it up fairly quickly last night. I learned from my dad a long time ago that placing the fish on aromatics or citrus really brings out the best in the fish and esentially steams it while heating through convection. This time I used Blood Oranges, Lemon, Ginger and Shallots. I was surprised at how much the ginger influenced the aroma.
After adding the fish on the lemons, I sprinkled the skin with togarashi (A commonly used Japanese 7-spice blend that typically includes red chile pepper, roasted orange peel, yellow and black sesame seeds, Japanese pepper, seaweed, and ginger)

 I also made couscous with blood orange, scallions and mint, which was really light. I lightly sauteed brussels sprouts as the veg.  I admit that the plating is a little ridiculous, but on a cold day the brightness was really nice. The fish didn't look great without the skin, but tasted good.

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