Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thai Veggie Wraps with Fried Rice

I've been spending one day each week this year eating only vegetarian meals. I don't spend much time planning the veg meals and they just seem to happen. Because we had a vegetarian friend over for dinner, I decided to spend a little more time. I know that there is shrimp on the board, but I only added it to Abby's wraps.
I used Thai wraps that I get at my Asian food store and have to soak in cold water for a couple of minutes to get them to be pliable so I can use them. The ingredients I used in these particular wraps brought a lot of crunch and heat. In order: Mint, blanched green beans, diakon radish, kumquats, ginger, jalapeno, carrots, fennel bulbs, scallions and a little touch of basil. I served them with two sauces, one hot chili and the other sweet chili.
I enjoy fried rice a lot but don't order it out much. I prepare mine with soy sauce, sambal, scallions, ginger, and a dash of fish sauce. I also use an egg to bring it together. The flavors complemented the wraps well and made the meal feel more fulfilling.

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