Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dinner: Pork Loin over Spinach with Pancetta and Feta

Occasionally I buy a large pork loin and make pork dishes all week from it. Since it is officially the end of Porktober, I thought it was only appropriate to pay homage. The key to cooking pork loin is cooking it slow. If you cook it on too hot of heat, the juices all run out and you end up with a dry piece of meat. I cooked this on medium low in my cast iron skillet and then finished it in the oven.

After cooking the pork, I made a simple mustard sauce with the fond on the bottom of the pan. I added some whole milk, grainy dijon mustard and regular dijon mustard. I then sprinkled on pistachio nuts, which added nice flavor and texture to the dish. I sliced the pork and put it on top of sauteed spinach, which I had added to cubed pancetta. I finished the spinach with feta, which added a necessary tang.

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