Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Smoked Whitefish with Garlic Naan and Winter Root Salad

So, I'm moving my menu into the spring even if the weather isn't letting me know we're there yet.

When we were out in NYC at Russ and Daughters the fish monger was going on about how they can't get any 'chubs' out there (among other meanings, chubs are a smoked fresh water fish, commonly from the great lakes). After I made a couple of jokes under my breath and we got back to chicago, I decided to hunt them out. I found them at Dirk's and got a couple on Monday. I was thinking about serving them with bagel's, but that bored me. So, I ended up getting some Garlic Naan. I warmed the naan in my skillet while I sliced shallots and washed the arugula. The whitefish was really delicate and delicious and I can't wait to have it again soon
I served it with a peruvian potato salad I made earlier in the day so it could cool. I added Carrots and Radishes to the salad, which was nice. I topped it with a dressing made of grainy mustard, a little mayo and red wine vinegar. It tasted good, but I was disappointed in how it looked, especially since the potatoes were so vibrant.
Here is how the plate looked when served. Very colorful, delicious and fresh.

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