Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rack of Pork with Celery Root Puree & Braised Brocolli Raab

I'm actually pretty amazed that I pulled this one off tonight, since we are all pretty sick around here. I brought the pork out of the fridge about 45 minutes before I seared it on the stove to temper it.

I wanted it to taste really fresh so I made a rub for it in my food processor.
I used the peel from half of a lemon and orange and reserved the juice from the orange to add to the mixture. I added the peel along with half of the onion, some walnuts, sage, thyme, rosemary and garlic to the food processor. I squeezed the orange in and started blending. I then added some olive oil and kept blending, finally adding coarse mustard and a little horseradish.

While I was blending the rub, I seared off the pork rack.

I then peeled the organic celery roots, which have a really unique, almost sweet smell.

After searing the pork, I added the rub and put it in a roasting pan on a rack at 400 for an hour and 15 minutes. I added an orange, garlic and onion to water under the rack in the roasting pan so the juices wouldn't burn and the aroma would be nice.
I let the roast sit for 15 minutes while I boiled the celery root and blended it in the food processor. The meat turned out ridiculously tender and had great flavor. I braised the raab in some water with pepper flakes, wanting to keep it fresh and not flavored with any stock. The celery root puree was really fresh tasting, and the texture went well with the pork, which was very tender. The rub was a nice addition, especially when you would get some of the rind of the citrus on the bites.

The pork was just a little past medium and extremely tender and juicy.

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