Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pork Chop (from the Butcher and Larder)

So I was very excited to go to a new butcher shop in my neighborhood called the Butcher and Larder, a name I love. When I got there the pickings were pretty slim and it seemed like they were waiting on a truck to arrive. Luckily, the two things that I was looking for were in stock. He hand cut two rib chops for me that I thought looked really good (they were) and he also had fresh pork lard that I had wanted to make some flour tortillas, so the trip was a success.

Although the fat looked pretty cool, I cooked them on medium which didn't allow it to render down at all and it ended up just getting cut off. I cooked them in my cast iron and added the chop to a bed of rapini that I sauteed with hot pepper flakes and reduced with balsamic.

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