Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pi Lo Chun - Best Tea Ever?

I've always enjoyed tea, and drink my weight of it iced in the summer. About a 2.5 years ago Abby got me a nice cast iron tea kettle and some really good teas for my birthday. The one tea that she got me was not only memorable because of it's price, but because of how good it made me feel. It's hard to describe it, but a good start would be delicate, grassy and slightly floral. As I was reading up on it, apparently it can also be called Bi Lo Chun, which means "Green Snail Spring". It is named this because it is a green tea and rolled into a tight spiral, which resembles snail meat and is cropped in early spring. That makes it sound gross because of the snail, but it's legit. I typically just get it shipped from I've been on a big English black tea kick lately, but this is a nice treat to mix in.

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