Monday, May 2, 2011

Morel Risotto with Edamame and Porcini Broth

I have a love/hate with Risotto. I do enjoy the time it takes to make it, but sometimes when I am done, it's 'just a rice dish'. Yeah, Yeah, I get it, if you do it right it is so much more. Cool. I never feel like I'm totally wowed by it, but it is good. So, I decided that since the only thing in my fridge was Morels that I have been saving to make with eggs, I would use them for a nice risotto. Here's how it went:
I started by slicing and sauteeing up the morels in butter and olive oil.
I then removed them from the pot, added white onion and sweated them out for a couple of minutes before adding the aborio rice to cook until the tips were translucent.
I then added a tuscan red wine blend to the rice and added boiling water to a bowl of dried porcini mushrooms.
I covered the porcini's with plastic wrap and let them steam. I really just wanted the liquid from this, so I started adding it to the rice right away. It's key to use a warm liquid when making risotto, instead of stock right out of the fridge.

While continuously stirring, I kept letting the rice dry out and then added the red wine and mushroom stock to the rice. Then repeated. Then repeated.
While that was all going on, I added some frozen edamame to a pot, then stirred it for the pic. I removed the edamame and added it to the food processor and blended it to add to the risotto for added nutrients and a green flavor to the earthiness of the mushrooms. Finally, I added a pat of butter and some parm. reg. to the risotto and served.

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