Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rock Lobster Dinner

So I went to a restaurant wholesaler the other day with Sean (who had to fib and tell them that he worked at a restaurant, but they gave us the one day pass anyway). It's amazing to see how restaurants purchase in bulk. They had everything you could ever want and then some (6 gallons of A1? No.). We had been there once before so we knew our way around. I ended up buying a 3 lb brick roll of pancetta, but what really caught my eye was the seafood. Along with the tuna from my next post, I bought two fresh lobsters for......get this......$5.99/lb! So, in total I spent $18 for two 1.5lb live lobsters. I ended up grilling them and covering them with butter/parsley/garlic/shallots. I even cracked the claws to get some of the flavor in there. The meat was incredibly tender, especially for being grilled which usually toughens it up.

I'm a little disappointed in how the picture turned out, but they sure tasted damn good.

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